‘How would you like to beat your food demons for good? 

How many hours, days or even years have you wasted, preoccupied with your weight, your appearance, the number on the scales or your next food fix?  You’ve tried everything, but nothing works for long?  If I could take you through a process that could free you up from all your funny thinking and habits around eating, forever! What could you do with that extra time, space and food freedom?

With NO fad diets - NO extreme exercise plans - NO calorie counting, the MFB Method has been specifically designed to get real, measurable results, fast! Results worthy of the effort you put in – guaranteed!

Obsessing over food and eating, whether its bingeing or dieting creeps into every area of your life and the lives of the people closest to you. It sucks the joy out of living.



Imagine what it will feel like when you attract the fun back into your life and can actually enjoy your food? Think about it, people are actually complementing you on how you look now? How could that affect your social life? What impact would it have on your love-life? Because let’s face it, you know and feel so much more attractive when you’re enjoying life and have a smile on your face, don’t you?


  • Improve your body and your health.

  • Allow the joy back in, you live a more fulfilling life

  • Improved performance at work - you can completely focus on what needs your attention and have access to more opportunities

  • Improve all your relationships; with those you love and especially yourself. It will allow you to love and value yourself again; increasing your confidence, șelf-esteem and self-worth. You will learn to love who you are and what you see in the mirror.

  • Allow you to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, without fearing getting fat or triggering another binge.

  • Your body will naturally, healthily move towards and maintain your natural ideal weight.

Wouldn’t these benefits be truly life changing and transformational? Don’t you deserve some of that? “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten”, Henry Ford.

So when are you going to do something different and sort this out for once and forever?



I have developed the MFB Method over a decade, based on a deep understanding of how the mind works, why it works that way and how to get it to change rapidly and permanently.


    • Your conscious mind is easy to re-train because it is logical. Your subconscious (shaped by emotions) is difficult to retrain yourself because you don’t know what’s triggering your behaviour (these are in your blind spot). I can get to your subconscious drivers.

    • Neuroplasticity – these are the neural pathways that drive your habits of thought and action. We need to overwrite them so you don’t ever fall back into the same old habits.

    • What is it you really gain from your destructive eating habits? What are the benefits to you - this is what’s driving you to eat.

    • Your hierarchy of values and motivators?

    • We will work continuously through the program to boost your confidence, your self-esteem, self-image and self-worth.

    • Think of the MIND-BODY connection as a 2-way computer system. One sends a signal, the other reacts according to the signal sent.

    • When your body is not receiving it’s minimum requirement of nutrients, it sends signals to the mind - basically feed me NOW! 

    • It’s highly likely the foods you grab on the go is nutrient poor - basically your body is starving for nutrition. No amount of junk food will satisfy it.

    • You will become aware of what is driving your destructive habits. They were created to preserve your core beliefs. 

    • I help you build self-awareness around the natural signals you were born with. You will question what’s driving your hunger. Are you bored? Are you angry? Are you tired? Are you lonely? Are you really hungry? 

    • Your body is an amazing machine, far more sophisticated than any machine humans have made. Food is it’s fuel. Would you put vegetable oil in your Bentley? So why then do you fuel your body with fuel that doesn’t serve it well (eg. sugar and chemical laden ready meals, fast foods, fat and sugar laden coffees, fizzy drinks etc. that don’t provide the fuel you need to live a healthy life?

    • Looking deeply into your habitual behaviour around food.  

    • Break down your thinking around good, bad & forbidden foods

    • Study your diet. If you are missing key nutrients, your body will crave them. I identify these and we will restore balance to your diet.

    • Give you industry insights – it’s not your fault you compulsively eat! The food and pharma industries are not conspiring to keep you healthy, your fast foods and ready meals are specifically designed to have you crave more so they make more profit. Your healthy option meals are not healthy

    • If you need a meal plan, this can be done for you, however most of my clients are able to easily adjust their mealtimes and meals without calorie counting, eating more and saving money. It’s win-win!

    • When your mind, food and body are in balance, you don’t put on weight your body slowly reverts to it’s natural healthy state.

    • If you have any particular body goals, I will work with you to create a program that works with your lifestyle so you can obtain these goals healthily. 

    • When you are fulfilled, doing what you love and feeding your body the right fuel, you shine bright.

    • Don’t you to feel complete joy again?

    • Together we explore your lifestyle; your home, your work, your relationships, your sports and hobbies and we look at ways to optimise them. What is working for you and what isn’t?

    • What is it you really want?

When you work together with us, as a partnership, we will break you completely free from all your disordered eating habits, thoughts and cravings - guaranteed. There is nothing like the joy and relief you get from total FOOD FREEDOM after having been trapped in a destructive eating habit cycle for so long. Let the joy back in your life, don’t you deserve this?’

  • The 12 week MFB Foundation Program

  • The 1 year MFB Guaranteed Results Program

  • The ongoing MFB Accountability Program

If you need to know more, let’s have an informal chat and you can ask me about: